Rest in peace, hm!?

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No, no is not rip not yeat, but so far I am preparing for it, it may be a long journey or quick death and I will excape this world… no joking with this kind of things but still… I still can enjoy my glass of pure cola after I had waffels at me my meal of nightley hours so I was at shop where with 18 lei almost 3 and something dollars I had bought 1,2 liters of coca cola, 2,5 liters of sparkling mineral water and for 10 lei or something I ve got waffels… hm.

I ve drunk a can of coca coal on spot because it was so hot 27 C degree so after that I took my bike and gone back home… I ve calle my brother who lendead me some money and we talk.

The war in Ukraina hm is a thing maybe I ve going to enroll if they invade here in Romania, or I am going to Africa or turkey hm lol. Some random thouts that now I have about this situation but now jut bring on music cola and mineral water cold as ice.

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