Oh, hm get in

Will get there in the right spot, just join in… don t stay there in that spot… Sunny times, lots of fun but many hours spent on a tropical night and then we are back again in the business working for the winter yet to come.

I poor a glass of pure bliss of water then sit down in front of the monitor typing the things that are crossing my mind right now… you surley know that, I bet you doing the same from time to time… I belive so.

Hm, I am in hooliday season mood, my mojo is expanding his option at large, we are here in the right lane, we are just flyng high to the stars above…

Love the football, still hm

Many times I like to watch twoo competing team kicking the football ball on the field, the crowd going wild… the ball entering the golkipeer hands, the illusion the fear, the panic and then the relief… hm. Me and a beer with a smoke on my hand just watching and hoping big… the  gol is in… lol.

Ups, the days are so so this days but I love to sleep, drink and then take again a short break from day to day routine… taking a walk not far from my house, leaving the door for a few minutes…

Winter, pigs foor food

Many times I see a football team, then the name on it then I watch the price tag of the team altogether, he he… then the gools poor in. The football is on as we speak in Germany, 1 to 1 a twoo major team on the field… hm.

Today an extremely nice day, a sunny with 40 plus C… and the joy of pure summer, a bliss as we speak. I was drinking a can of cola, woke up kind of summer sad… toke my bike for 150 meters lol, then toke a breakfast some potatoes French fried with a tomato salad balcanic Romanian style. Then took an endless nap, woke up from time to time. Had a lunch, then get some news about some good that will deliver soonish… After that on the evening I ve work so hard for establish a half of a wall for a future enclosure big enough for 10 pigs that I will sale after that or maybe eat it for winter that will be coming our way…

Drinking some bottle of cold cola, some sparkling mineral water for sustaining the job to be done, it was so hard, so intense… hm I could, but you know how it is…

I done working about an hour ago, open the pocket for 5 lei, about 1 dollar, I took down the road and bought myself some good old cigarettes… hm, so… today was a great day, love the power of sun and summer altogether. bye!

There’s a clock counting down what left of time

Love to win, love to be there to fulfil me wishes, then moving along with your life seeing what you have win, protecting the goods…

Many times I ve wonder I am the chosen one for this task… to win the battle with life… maybe not the battle but certainly the war of attriction, a neverending one past on and on by generation…

I was lost and found, never been that far… sounds good, ended… can I move along… maybe love Is the answer, maybe if if you seek that…

I love to put words in the blank page, is a sure path to become, to overtake the mountain that is stayed within your reach… and you never can to go there to win the day…


The last air bender, hm!?

Movie, movies… time for fun, is so? Neah, this weekend been so busy, so envolved with so many tough things to be get caried to fulfielment, dead end to respect and then a hush enviroment to endure and evean to be fit for mental breakdown of others and evean me, hm.

Drinked so much liquid, so much somke to me loungs so much temprature to handle and when so, the only thing what is to be done was a contruction, a small yard for pigs to be raised as food for winter and a money reserve just in case…

I like to watch this movie called the last air bender and to be thinking a lot about our destiny, our mark down in history… you know how it is EMIL Cioran once said… the only thing that make a mark in the permanet destiny of the universes is my personal death… a word, a tiny word death and all become cromballing down just like a castel of carsds… so join me in death, say no to the implacble destiny. HM!? Is it so? neah, we are why not try to fly when you are about to get smash one with the ground… it is writen.

Very cold cola and a race with my bike

Music loud kind of, volume is kicking hard in my head… I was waken up pe a call from my mom… toke my cycle and gone way into empty crowed streets with humans… people at tables in front of the store drinking beer talking thery loud, with red faces from the heat and beer… I just say hi and move along to the cola section, pick a bottle and then pay with cash this time, 3 dollars .

My bike, kind of old thing, is rolling good still… I just like to race and compete me against me… lol. It was so much sun today that I will begin to make something new on the market, Il pack some ray of light and sold it on the internet, hm… you think is a good idea? Just let me know, hm…

Sunny weather, bear times and coffee

Life itself, hours to be wake up, dreams to be fully happened, people to forget, people to remember, lessons to be taught, many hours of music to cope with your flight to land of wonder, mineral water cold as ice, moments into solitude… a prison for your mind to be lived like a cage if you know local matrix… lol. Never the less the summer breeze in the evening, mosquito taking the place of annoying you from the flys.. Dogs to be feed… you named.

Today, what a glorious day… the football time is bout to begin, hm European one at its best.. I will take some water from the fridge, cold one and will se… the best it yet to come… join me in…

Money, cigarettes, fire and ice

I just woke up couple minutes ago, take an only single tomato from fridge, put some food on the table, we have diner my and my mom. My dog bobita is going mad, hi want a treat and for that is jumping all around like a mad man. We are laughing at him, his is eating now just like us…

I took some money half and euro and make my way to the store for twoo cigarets, hm. There are folks drinking beer, smoking and chit chatting. Cars passing by, the asphalt road, the church in distant… you know how it is we are on the road to perdition, on this road the dead people are going for last way to be buried deep under. Sometimes even the priest is over ther… going to his job to church…

Today the temperature is just fain, about 32 or so C, but is a little bit windy… I am fit for this wether, why not…

Drink, smokes, life and some words

I have some buzz, some smokes that is gone now and then what shall I do, you say!? Well me cup of wine is fine now at the moment we speak, after that nothing is guaranteed for the cup or the, in the Mather of fact just now I will quench my thirst and I will toast for the future, join me too… you deserve a cope or twoo… hm… wish me well me friend or join me in battle with the truth, no one will take it from us any more… we can do it, trust me …

I was change, time maybe women or something else or maybe memories to much twisted in a amnesia altogether in a storm of a life that will be… immense like tidal wave, like a neverendig sun…

Memories in a and like secvence, a many billion years laying ahead… many inspiration lead to memory of the universe, we all becoming… we grow old, we accumulate wisdom and we go past to the nears level, furture is possible… we are, yes the rest is possible… why not!?

Low wind, summer rain incoming

We are doing it again, working with cement is kind of fun but is thery demanding thing… I am so real right now is straightening my senses for good.

The wind was a blast, it so intense because the summer sun was so powerful that melted the air and the temperature is thery high, again 37 C. I was asleep for couple hours, after that some music, some smokes I will drink some wine from the fridge and then will we see…