I am with you, my little one

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Maybe the day will in a better shape and form… here in this place, blessed be the Gods themselves, in balcania… is a little country Romania, hm you already guess that in a small county Teleorman, a thery known name, we gave prim minister to executive power in the head of govern… hm. But no more talks about politics… it is time to mind our business and to remember post facum the ones that are here whit us, to cherish there’s presence and to bring back the memories in our prayers in front to the Divinity and to pray for salvation of that people that sometimes in the past was with us. I hope to meet them in another life and do things that already promise to them… If I can I will prey and go to Gods church to be in house of God to prey directly under his wings… hope big brothers, the day before us is yet to be discover, pray to Gods that we are coping with desire of everyone that ever we got helped, that stood beside us, that got saved by believing in true wisdom, In A Superior ways to be in life alltoghetter… The Devine power should bless all the friends that are with us, all the fallen friends in the battle with evil side of things and non other the less we thanks God for all that him allready send to our lives.

The day is here, lets sized the moment and began the hour with first step… remember, be ready for everything and trust a one true and sacred never trust anyone, not even yourself, master this rule and you gain a powerful tool to move the earth itself… hm.

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